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Deshmukh Group
Computational Design of Hybrid Materials (CDHM)

Fangxi (Toby) Wang
Postdoctoral Scholar
Ph.D., University of Nevada, Reno, USA

Swarnadeep Seth
Postdoctoral Scholar
Ph.D., University of Central Florida, Florida, USA

Saswat Gautam
Graduate Student
B.E., Chemical Engineering
Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Nepal
Graduate Students:
One graduate fellowship available. If you are enrolled as a graduate student at Virginia Tech and are interested in our research, email your CV directly to Dr. Deshmukh at
Undergraduate Sudents:
We are always looking for self-motivated undergraduate students to join our research group. If you are interested in our research, email your CV directly to Dr. Deshmukh at
Postdoctoral Researchers
Karteek Bejagam (now Senior Research Scientist at Lightwave Logic)
Graduate Students
Olivia Conway, Master's Degree, 2019
Yaxin An, PhD, 2020 (now Assistant Professor at the Cain Department of Chemical Engineering, Louisiana State University)
Abhishek Sose, PhD, 2023 (now Postdoctoral scholar at Georgia Tech, Georgia, US)
Undergraduate Researchers
Yonathan Ayele
Lauren Kalski
Diego Almodiel
Rebecca Ahn
Preeya Achari
Gaurav Anand
Talon Booth
Troy Gustke
John Caudill
Christopher Downey
Kathryn Sellinger
Thomas Kang
Juan Vivi
Sara Watson
Madeline Foushee
Chihuan Iparraguirre, Cristian
Visiting Schloars
Nasim Aboualigalehdari
Isabel Ortiz
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